Sunday, December 16, 2012

1 year later {A Birth Story}

1 year later {A Birth Story}

Sophie Joyce

Sophie is the French form of Sophia. A Greek work for “Wisdom”

Joyce is after my grandma Margret (Margie) Joyce who is the kindest person I know.

Two weeks before my due date, which was December 22nd, I went into the doctor for my weekly checkup and we scheduled to be induced. I was done being pregnant & I really didn’t want her to be born on Christmas. I got a lot of people saying “oh it will hurt way worse if you get induced”, blah blah blah. I didn’t care. December 15th, day of induction the hospital called that morning and said they were full so they would call me when a room opened up. We waited all day and they called at around 3 and said still no rooms so they rescheduled me for the next day. Trent had to have a minor hand surgery the next day but we didn’t care we wanted that baby out!  So December 16th came and I called that morning and they said no rooms still. I started balling I felt I was going to be pregnant forever! The hospital called back 15 seconds later saying “Your one of our scheduled inductions so come up. We didn’t realize it was you calling!” Thank you Jesus! I called my mom and she picked me up and we were on our way. I got checked in and gown on. This is it. I felt so excited but scared. My amazing doctor came in about 8AM and started the induction. I didn’t have Pitocin I had the pill they place in your cervix. From 8-12 I had contraction but they weren’t too bad. He came back in at 12PM and broke my water. That’s when all the pain came! I couldn’t sit still it was hurting; I probably looked like I was have seizers! I finally decided to go sit in the jet tub. It was awesome. Still hurt like a bitch but it was more bearable in the tub. As soon as I got out it was contraction on top of contraction. I felt as if I didn’t get a break in between. I didn’t talk much during all this but I do remember telling Trent and his sister Randee to shut up. They were arguing about Trent taking pain medication after his surgery. Like seriously? I would have killed a person for some drugs! My nurse came in and checked me I was dilated to a 5 and you bet your sweet ass I asked for an epidural. My nurse went and called the drug man. She came back and said he’s not answering…BUT your doctor can give it to you. I was so happy! He came and we cheered for him! Haha. After I got my epidural life was good. I had two spots that never did go numb but I was still happy. I hadn’t eating anything all day so of course I barfed all over the floor. Next thing I know my doctor came in and said let’s check you. I was at a 10!!! This was at about 5:30PM. So with just my mom and Trent in the room I started pushing. At 6:05PM there she was, eyes wide just looking at me. That moment I will never forget. My baby girl was finally here!

Sophie Joyce Horswill

7 pounds, 3 ½ ounces, 20 ½ inches long.

 She was perfect.


I love you

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